Existing projects approval acts

With reference to the "existing projects" for 400 million euros are considered eligible and accountable interventions that fall within the plans, prepared by the Commissioners / responsible parties, approved by the Department of Civil Protection since February 1, 2020.
The plans include both projects related to the so-called "Proteggi Italia" and projects financed by other national funds, such as the Fund for National Emergencies. This further option has consequently widened the range of eligible and reportable interventions.
DNSH compliance, as foreseen in the common access requirements, with reference to “ongoing" interventions is realized through an ex-post verification. The fulfillment of the requirements can be verified through a checklist of adopted actions/interventions, necessary for the positive outcome of European Commission audits.
The .pdf and .excel files of approved interventions for each region and autonomous province are available as attachments.